[Xastir-Dev] warning: big change to map_shp about to commit

Alan Crosswell alan at columbia.edu
Fri Aug 29 18:00:15 EDT 2003

If you set debugging to 16 there will be a bunch of lines starting with "dbfawk" 
which show what values were generated for each dbf row.  This is a way to debug 
what values got set.   I think the labels thing might have to do with the last 
value of the line width hanging around for when the text is drawn.

Put a copy of your shapefiles and config file somewhere and I'll see what I can do.

Curt Mills, WE7U wrote:
> On Fri, 29 Aug 2003, Alan Crosswell wrote:
>>I'm about to commit a big change to map_shp.c that adds use of config/*.dbfawk
>>files to set map feature attributes.  I don't yet have .dbfawk files defined for
>>all shapefile flavors but have defined them for the major Tiger/Line types.
>>There are likely still some bugs and some memory leaks, so I need some folks to
>>look at what I've done and test.   To enable it, do "./configure --with-dbfawk"
>>By editing the .dbfawk files you can control all the map features such as at
>>what zoom level the feature (or the label) becomes visible, what color, line
>>thickness, dashed vs. solid, etc.
>>It's not completely baked yet but it's close.
> Feedback:  My labels are totally goofy.  Like the font got switched
> to an international font on my or something.
> Most of the objects go away if I enable map levels.  Most
> roads/streams are gone unless I zoom way out.
> Roads are dashed lines and green.  Won't work on top of topo maps.
> Need a bright color and solid probably.  Dashed for 4x4 roads/trails
> perhaps.
> _Somethings_ happening with the new code though, and that's a GOOD
> thing!

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