[Xastir-Dev] FreeBSD Tweaks

Jack Twilley jmt at twilley.org
Fri Feb 21 20:32:24 EST 2003

>>>>> "Curt" == Curt Mills <Curt> writes:

Jack> When I prepend the command line with LDFLAGS="-L/usr/local/lib",
Jack> it works much better.  I'm working on fixing it, expect
Jack> something by Monday that Does The Right Thing for MacOSX and
Jack> FreeBSD and Solaris, whether it's by searching all of them or by
Jack> adding OS-specific paths to the search path.

Curt> Does it work then to just modify some of the variables at the
Curt> top of configure.ac (OS-Specific sections) to add things like
Curt> "LDFLAGS="-L/usr/local/lib ${LDFLAGS}"?  Will the tests then
Curt> pick up that path?  If so, we could add a bunch of stuff
Curt> early-on, and then take out most of the complexity in the
Curt> Shapelib and ImageMagick tests.

That's part of my master plan.

Curt> Make sure you add "/opt/local/*" paths for MacOSX.  That's
Curt> needed for the non-Fink way of doing things.

That's what I gathered.

Curt> FreeBSD you have a testbed for.

That, and Solaris too, but less so.  Oh, and I'm still working on
Cygwin at home.

Curt> I think Chris Bell mentioned that Solaris support is ok now,
Curt> although the search order might need to be tweaked on his system
Curt> due to both old and new installs being present.

Goodness.  I'll send him private mail about this.

Curt> Thanks for looking into this!

No problem.  Here's my plan for configure.ac:

# assume PATH and LDFLAGS have sane values

# for each operating system type
#  prepend OS-specific bin/lib search paths

# use the entire search path for finding things
AC_CHECK_LIB(m, main)

Jack Twilley
jmt at twilley dot org
http colon slash slash www dot twilley dot org slash tilde jmt slash
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