[Xastir-Dev] Re: [Xastir] What does "local" mean?

Reuven Z Gevaryahu gevaryah at netaxs.com
Fri Jan 10 15:14:33 EST 2003

Are we reinventing the wheel? We already have the ST_LOCAL flag, and the 
tracking system already checks ST_LOCAL and sets TR_LOCAL in its records 
of the previous positions. Thus we have a reasonable record of which 
posits are local and which aren't. As for digipeats of the same packet, 
It is handled above (~line 8750 db.c). Thus when we won't unset ST_LOCAL 
(db.c 8836) for echos of the same packet. (If I'm understading the code).

As I understand Jack's complaint was about a flaw in the GUI, and I 
agree that we should rename the menu "via tnc" and create a second 
identical menu that tests ST_LOCAL instead of ST_VIATNC. It would just 
be a matter of copy and paste. :-P It would similarly be possable to 
draw only local stations by adding an option to the stations menu, much 
like the current "local" option that checks ST_VIATNC.

> Perhaps let the aging thing take out locally heard station bits?
> That would solve that particular problem, but you'd need a time_t
> for that feature then.  Just store a time_t instead of an int, and
> check that field in the expire stations code, resetting it if the
> time_t has hit the expire-from-database time (which I think is twice
> the remove-from-screen time?).

This is sorta how the igate code tracks RF/nonRF stations- if the past 
20 packets were not RF, assume it is out of range. (~line 8800 db.c)

--Reuven (KB3EHW)

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