[Xastir-Dev] how to get my patches integrated?

Alan Crosswell alan at columbia.edu
Mon Jun 9 13:08:27 EDT 2003


I see that my patches for datadir and pkglib did not get incorporated (yet?). 
This was the stuff that allows one to put the xastir data files in the $datadir 
that is configure'd rather than in $prefix/xastir (which ends up being 
/usr/xastir when prefix is set to /usr).  $pkglib patch was similar.

I am hesitant to try to check the files out of CVS since I feel others own them 
(I'm not sure I even have CVS write access:-) and want to know what the right 
way is to submit these changes so they get incorporated (or voted off the 
island:-).  The changes are attached and RPMS/SRPMS can be found at 

The files touched by these patches are:


73 de Alan N2YGK
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