[Xastir-Dev] Re: [Xastir] view->mobile stations

Henk de Groot henk.de.groot at hetnet.nl
Mon Jun 23 17:05:15 EDT 2003


At 14:15 23-6-03 -0400, Reuven Z Gevaryahu wrote:
>If you're looking at what I'm looking at, Xastir is behaving correctly. 
>These are moving objects, part of some kind of experiment somewhere in 
>Europe. View|Mobile Stations only shecks if a station is active and has 
>saved trackpoints- it doesn't care if it is an object or an item.

Are those posted by PA3BNX? He has some kind of APRS clock running so he 
regulary post a clock object. He also cancels the old clock objects so 
there should be only one clock...

It doesn't work wonderfully, although the old clocks are cancelled they are 
still shown in for example pocketAPRS, so the first entries are filled with 
a lot of useless cancelled objects. I think when an object is cancelled it 
should vanish. If you have a lot of these clock objects in Xastir then 
somehow the cancelation of the old clock object is not honored, or not fed 
to APRS-IS (why are these objects on APRS-IS in the first place...)...

Kind regards,


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