[Xastir-Dev] Re: New Directory Structure

Jack Twilley jmt at twilley.org
Wed Jun 25 18:44:54 EDT 2003

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>>>>> "Curt" == Curt Mills <Curt> writes:

Jack> My recommendation is to support multiple, user-definable map
Jack> directories.

Jack> ~/.xastir/maps and /usr/share/xastir/maps are good defaults.
Jack> Someone who mounts their maps on optical media may wish to add
Jack> their own map directories like /mnt/maps or whatever.

Curt> As in:

Curt>     cd .xastir/maps 
Curt>     ln -s /mnt/maps optical

Curt> There, problem solved!  

Actually, no, that's just clutter.

Curt> User-defineable map directories.  As many as you'd like to
Curt> define...

What that produces is another directory layer.  I don't see that as a
big win.

Curt> What I'm trying to accomplish with the symlink to
Curt> /usr/share/xastir/maps:

Curt> A simple tweak that doesn't require major changes to the map
Curt> indexing/lookup code, but gives us a unified view of the map
Curt> directories from within the Map Chooser.

I can see what you're trying to achieve, I just think the time is
better spent fixing the map indexing code to handle multiple arbitrary

Curt> You still didn't mention what your preferences were for the
Curt> default naming (from my last message).

I was choosing "none of the above", actually, by submitting my
alternative suggestion.

We have two directory structures, /usr/share/xastir/maps and
~/.xastir/maps.  There are no real requirements for any sort of
consistency under these directories -- it's up to the software to know
what to do.  What's the real difference between what you describe with
the symlink suggestions and this:


The answer is... nothing.  Why don't we go with this idea?  I'd say
it's because allowing arbitrary users to write /usr/share/... is bad.

But back on topic.  I still think fixing the code is a better
solution.  It is unfortunate that I do not have the time to render the
point moot by providing an implementation because it would be a really
fun thing to write.  

This is part of why I didn't chip in earlier -- goodness knows people
on the list have seen me chip in on dozens of other issues -- but here
I am. :-)

- -- 
Jack Twilley
jmt at twilley dot org
http colon slash slash www dot twilley dot org slash tilde jmt slash
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