[Xastir-Dev] Re: New Directory Structure

Reuven Z Gevaryahu gevaryah at netaxs.com
Wed Jun 25 18:47:07 EDT 2003

Curt Mills wrote:

> Technically we could also merge the two (or more) disparate trees
> together inside our code as well.  Symlinks get us to the same point
> without having to change the code as much, and actually give us more
> flexibility to define additional map trees.

I don't mind the symlink idea.

What I'd like to see in addition is the ability to expand each directory 
individually (you know, each directory has a "+" sign that can be 
toggled). Each directory would also have a checkbox that could be set 
for all maps below, unset for no maps below, and shaded or red for some 
maps below selected.

I feel very sorry for whoever tries to do that in Motif. :-) But it 
would be very nice, and I'm sure someone has coded it before. A scheme 
like this is used for file sharing in Kazaa, if you don't understand my 
description. :-P

--Reuven (KB3EHW)

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