[Xastir-Dev] Xastir-2 Initial Questions

Jack Twilley jmt at twilley.org
Wed Jun 25 19:39:59 EDT 2003

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>>>>> "Curt" == Curt Mills <hacker at tc.fluke.com> writes:

Curt> I almost think I shouldn't do this right now 'cuz I'll be pretty
Curt> busy for the next few days, but it has to be done:

Curt> 1) What do we want Xastir-2 to look like?

I don't even know where to start answering this question. :-)

Curt> 2) Is this a good time to start the wish-list?

Probably not. :-)  A week or two when this stuff settles down, maybe.

Curt> 3) How long to compile a wish-list before we freeze it and start
Curt> the design discussion?

A month or two.

Curt> 4) When should we start on this major undertaking of splitting
Curt> up the code into modules, separating client from server code,
Curt> and integrating a database into the mix?

If this stuff makes the wish-list *grin*, then as soon as the freeze
starts.  People can start messing with the split on their own to get
ideas of what works and what doesn't work, of course

Curt> 5) How should we go about it, without causing much grief to CVS
Curt> users?

Create a new top-level directory and work from there.

Curt> 6) What things on our bug-list or feature-request-list are
Curt> important to get done before starting on Xastir-2?

I'll defer to others here.

Curt> 7) Should we pose these questions to the user list as well, or
Curt> at least questions #1 and #6?

Definitely #6, probably #1, none of the rest.

This is a good opportunity to focus this list on development.  Let's
take it.

- -- 
Jack Twilley
jmt at twilley dot org
http colon slash slash www dot twilley dot org slash tilde jmt slash
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