[Xastir-Dev] Xastir-2 Initial Questions

Gerry Creager (N5JXS) gerry.creager at tamu.edu
Wed Jun 25 20:23:27 EDT 2003

Curt Mills wrote:
> On Wed, 25 Jun 2003, Curt Mills wrote:
>>I almost think I shouldn't do this right now 'cuz I'll be pretty
>>busy for the next few days, but it has to be done:

Gee!  I'm almost done with a month of travelling!  Let's find something 
else to do!

>>1) What do we want Xastir-2 to look like?

I like the client/server model promoted several months (longer?) ago.  I 
think we need a network connector that can connect to the TNC, the 
network and the users, providing services similar to an I-Gate on 
steroids: aprsd or javaserver (with TNC capabilities) as a model. 
JavAPRSsrvr is a good model:  Works well, has been undergoing good 
steady development.  Its main problem is the single-developer model, 
even if Pete's done a stellar job of implementing almost everythign 

>>2) Is this a good time to start the wish-list?

No time like the present.

>>3) How long to compile a wish-list before we freeze it and start the
>>design discussion?

Target 3 months.  We can decide if we're ready to freeze and start 
requirements and design at that point.

>>4) When should we start on this major undertaking of splitting up the
>>code into modules, separating client from server code, and
>>integrating a database into the mix?

1.  Evolve the requirements.
2.  Design to the requirements
3.  Build to the design.

Step 3 is later in the program.  Target: Dec 2003 to start splitting.

>>5) How should we go about it, without causing much grief to CVS

New CVS tree.

>>6) What things on our bug-list or feature-request-list are important
>>to get done before starting on Xastir-2?

I'll have to go look!

>>7) Should we pose these questions to the user list as well, or at
>>least questions #1 and #6?

Question 6, only IMHO.

> Forgot another one:
> 8) Should we continue with development of the monolithic Xastir-1 as
> well?  Drop it at some point when Xastir-2 is stable?

At least bug and hot-button items for now.  Do it as a percentage of 
effort.  I'd recommend <= 20% effort on XM1 (Xastir Monolith 1) 
maintenance, 80% on new design efforts.

73, gerry
Gerry Creager -- gerry.creager at tamu.edu
Network Engineering -- AATLT, Texas A&M University
Office: 979.458.4020  FAX: 979.847.8578
Cell: 979.229.5301    Pager: 979.228.0173

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