[Xastir-Dev] missing dependency

Alan Crosswell alan at columbia.edu
Fri May 16 20:23:53 EDT 2003

Here's why RPM is better than human brains at administrivia:

root at localhost redhat]# rpm -Uvh RPMS/i386/xastir-1.1.5-1.i386.rpm
error: Failed dependencies:
        perl(GPS::Garmin) is needed by xastir-1.1.5-1

[root at localhost redhat]# find BUILD/xastir-1.1.5/ -type f -exec grep 
GPS:: {} /dev/null \;
BUILD/xastir-1.1.5/help/help-English.dat:It requires the GPS::Garmin 
module. It prompts for an object name, and writes
BUILD/xastir-1.1.5/help/help-English.dat:also requires the GPS::Garmin 
BUILD/xastir-1.1.5/scripts/track-get.pl:# This script uses the 
GPS::Garmin module which can be obtained
BUILD/xastir-1.1.5/scripts/track-get.pl:use GPS::Garmin;
You need to document in INSTALL that 
http://sourceforge.net/projects/perl-gps/ is needed.
This too is not a standard package but RPM figured out it was needed by 
reading the perl scripts .


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