[Xastir-Dev] More from Rolf

Reuven Z Gevaryahu gevaryah at netaxs.com
Mon May 19 23:51:04 EDT 2003

Curt Mills, WE7U wrote:
> ---------- Forwarded message ----------
> Date: Mon, 19 May 2003 19:20:50 +0200
> From: "Rolf Bleher, DK7IN" <xastir at dk7in.de>
> To: Curt Mills <hacker at tc.fluke.com>
> Subject: German files for Xastir
> Hi Curt,
> in the English help file I came across this:
>   - "ammend", is this mistyped?
>   - in the position field of the status line, dist/bearing is missing
>     in the description in the help file.

A few status bar things that I noticed:
1) The "Tr" for tracking gets cut off at zooms of over 100 because the 
field is too small
2) The word "logging" doesn't appear on startup, appears with a red 
background when logging is enabled, and the background turns gray but 
the text remains when logging is disabled- feature or bug?

Also, I think we should have a "track this station" in the right-click 
menu, and perhaps the "move my station here" should have a confirmation 
or be removed from that menu. (too easy to accidently move yourself 
while zooming around, IMHO)

--Reuven (KB3EHW)

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