[Xastir-Dev] Re: [Fwd: First attempt at using dbfawk fails miserably]

Jack Twilley jmt at twilley.org
Sat Nov 8 17:22:30 EST 2003

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>>>>> "Alan" == Alan Crosswell <alan at columbia.edu> writes:

Alan> None of these sound like dbfawk issues at all.  Other than the
Alan> missing .dbfawk file for tgr*plc files.  If you send me a sample
Alan> of a plc file I'll cobble together a dbfawk for it.  Missing
Alan> dbfawk signatures will likely prevent that map from displaying.

The issues I describe arise when dbfawk is enabled, and disappear when
dbfawk is disabled.  That makes them dbfawk issues.

I can email you a .plc file, but this does not solve the general
case -- and it means you'll have to cobble together dbfawk files for
every shapefile map map an xastir user needs to use, which isn't very

There should be a checkbox to disable dbfawk if missing signatures
cause breakage like this.  Please implement one soon.

Alan> That patch is something I'm not aware of and sounds like a
Alan> shapelib version issue and/or OS difference.  What OS is this?

The patch is for FreeBSD.  

Alan> /a

- -- 
Jack Twilley
jmt at twilley dot org
http colon slash slash www dot twilley dot org slash tilde jmt slash
Version: GnuPG v1.2.3 (FreeBSD)


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