[Xastir-Dev] Re: [Fwd: First attempt at using dbfawk fails miserably]

Jack Twilley jmt at twilley.org
Sat Nov 8 20:11:50 EST 2003

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>>>>> "Alan" == Alan Crosswell <alan at columbia.edu> writes:

Jack> I can email you a .plc file, but this does not solve the general
Jack> case -- and it means you'll have to cobble together dbfawk files
Jack> for every shapefile map map an xastir user needs to use, which
Jack> isn't very efficient.

Jack> There should be a checkbox to disable dbfawk if missing
Jack> signatures cause breakage like this.  Please implement one soon.

Alan> Please do send a sample.  The default when dbfawk is disabled is
Alan> a series of tests for various map types in the code.  However,
Alan> dbfawk does not "break" cleanly when a signature doesn't match.
Alan> I will add that to the list of things to fix.  No need for a
Alan> checkbox; I'll just make a default.dbfawk which will be used
Alan> when no other is found.

I will send you an example under separate cover.

Alan> That patch is something I'm not aware of and sounds like a
Alan> shapelib version issue and/or OS difference.  What OS is this?

Jack> The patch is for FreeBSD.

Alan> So it's an OS difference vs. a dbfawk bug which was the point I
Alan> was trying to make.  Yes, it is caused when dbfawk is compiled
Alan> in but that's just because I need testers like you on other unix
Alan> flavors to find these problems.  Anyway, did that patch get
Alan> integrated by one of the developers?  It should.  I don't
Alan> remember seeing it go by.

In the beginning of the original message, I said this:

Jack> I experienced a violation of the Rule of Least Surprise while
Jack> playing with dbfawk.  I enabled it with --with-dbfawk and Tom
Jack> Russo's patch (which I'll commit as soon as I know it works) and
Jack> started up xastir.

I'll be committing it immediately.

Alan> /a

- -- 
Jack Twilley
jmt at twilley dot org
http colon slash slash www dot twilley dot org slash tilde jmt slash
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