[Xastir-Dev] Question for the Xastir Mac folks

Jack Twilley jmt at twilley.org
Sat Nov 22 13:47:35 EST 2003

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>>>>> "David" == David Flood <davidf at safeharbor.com> writes:

David> I have a question for all the folks that have Xastir running on
David> OS X.  I know that the X11, fink, and other stuff is either
David> BSD, GPL, or both but what about the Apple Dev Tools?  Are they
David> also BSD or did Apple put some additional license on them?

David> I need to know if there is any kind of "if used in a commercial
David> environment, start paying" type clause and I can't get to my
David> email with my Apple site login until tonight so I can't check
David> myself.

A good friend of mine works for Apple.  He says there's no restriction
at all like that, and it's the recommended development environment for
OS X for commercial software as well as open source software.  No

David> Even better, if there is a file installed with the tools that
David> has the license in it, tell me the filename so I can find it on
David> my machine.

It's there, but I didn't get a chance to ask him what the filename was.

David> Thanks,

David> Dave KD7MYC

- -- 
Jack Twilley
jmt at twilley dot org
http colon slash slash www dot twilley dot org slash tilde jmt slash
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