[Xastir-Dev] Annoying map chooser behavior to be corrected

Jack Twilley jmt at twilley.org
Tue Oct 28 17:23:37 EST 2003

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>>>>> "Curt" == Curt Mills <Curt> writes:

Jack> If you're aware of exactly where this needs to be fixed, then
Jack> please do.  I don't want to screw it up, and my version of the
Jack> map chooser is torn apart with my zoom level code.

Curt> Yea, I could probably do that.  Let me try to attack that
Curt> tonight or at least this week sometime.  It shouldn't take long
Curt> if I can find the time to do it.

Excellent.  I look forward to seeing it.

Jack> I delete map_index.sys and start xastir.  It builds an index of
Jack> all the maps.  When I exit, the index is complete.  I then start
Jack> xastir again, and the maps are re-indexed on startup -- but the
Jack> index written to disk contains only the map directories and none
Jack> of the maps.
Jack> It might be something I've changed.  Is there anyone out there
Jack> who knows the indexing stuff well enough to suggest where I
Jack> might have gone astray?

Curt> I wrote that part.  map_indexer() is the function that is doing
Curt> the work there.  Xastir creates an in-memory index and then
Curt> writes it out to disk using index_save_to_file().

I know the in-memory index is working properly, because I can change
something in properties with my new buttons and I get the expected

Curt> Index_restore_from_file() and index_retrieve() may be two others
Curt> worth looking at.  I suspect your current problem isn't with
Curt> those functions though 'cuz the on-disk index is messed up.

I know the in-memory index is working properly, because I can change
something in properties with my new buttons and I get the expected

I've been trying to trace map_indexer(), map_search(), and friends,
and it's been a little mind-numbing.  If it gets too much for my poor
addled brain, I'm perfectly happy to ship you the patches for what
I've got working if you can solve this last problem.

- -- 
Jack Twilley
jmt at twilley dot org
http colon slash slash www dot twilley dot org slash tilde jmt slash
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