[Xastir-Dev] New geo file tags (fwd)

Curt Mills, WE7U archer at eskimo.com
Sat Sep 27 12:42:47 EDT 2003

Here's the .geo file Gerry created that will bring up the radar
image for the whole U.S.

Curt, WE7U.				archer at eskimo.com
  Lotto:  A tax on people who are bad at math. - unknown
Windows:  Microsoft's tax on computer illiterates. - WE7U.
The world DOES revolve around me:  I picked the coordinate system!"

---------- Forwarded message ----------
Date: Wed, 17 Sep 2003 21:06:20 -0500
From: Gerry Creager N5JXS <gerry.creager at tamu.edu>
To: Chris Bell <cbell at junknet.com>,
     xastir-dev <xastir-dev at krypton.hscs.virginia.edu>
Subject: Re: [Xastir-Dev] New geo file tags

OK, guys: Have at it.  The geo file is changed, and I'm recommending the 
gif for a bunch of reasons, including png reanslation doesn't mask the 
ground clutter well.


For those wondering, the projection is LAT/LON unprojected in more or 
less NAD83.  With the precision they're reporting coordinates of the 
radar sites to, it doesn't matter if it's NAD27 or NAD83...

73 gerry

- -- 
Gerry Creager -- gerry.creager at tamu.edu
Network Engineering -- AATLT, Texas A&M University	
Cell: 979.229.5301 Office: 979.458.4020 FAX: 979.847.8578
Page: 979.228.0173
Office: 903A Eller Bldg, TAMU, College Station, TX 77843

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