[Xastir-dev] TNC Stop script

Erik G. Burrows erik at erikburrows.com
Mon Feb 9 20:04:07 EST 2004

Xastir seems to write out only the first few bytes (echo on\n autolf o) of my 20 
line stop script to my TNC when shutting down the device.

I've uncommented some debugging output and it seems to me that the write
thread is being killed before it's done flushing the write buffer.

I've tried the current CVS version and -r STABLE, same problem.

Any ideas?

  Erik G. Burrows

Erik G. Burrows - KG6HEA                          www.erikburrows.com

PGP Key: http://www.erikburrows.com/files/erik.erikburrows.com.pgpkey
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