[Xastir-dev] Feature suggestion - Web Based Control

J. Lance Cotton joe at lightningflash.net
Tue Nov 2 18:30:25 EST 2004

Bill Vodall wrote:
>>>It would be nice to have an API to have access to at least Pan and Zoom. One
>>>could add a control to the web page to allow users to do just that.
> That's re-inventing JavAPRS...   http://www.aprs-is.net/javAPRS/

Good point! Does javAPRS have as extensive map support as Xastir? Or... 
Since Xastir generates a PNG and a GEO for each map redraw, could 
javAPRS use that as it's map source! Then you get the map support of 
Xastir and the remote-runnability of a web-based product.

J. Lance Cotton, KJ5O
joe at lightningflash.net
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the cookies.

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