[Xastir-dev] Feature suggestion - Web Based Control

Gerry Creager N5JXS gerry.creager at tamu.edu
Tue Nov 2 11:38:48 EST 2004

I keep coming back to this, but I think we're wanting to head toward 
something like MapServer for this sort of thing, with a PostGIS back end 
for stations/positions, objects, etc.

I'm trying to do some other things along these lines.  I'll add it to 
the feature list for a hook to connect to xastir, snag the stream, post 
positions to postgis, etc.  Or, maybe to the APRS-IS servers?  Naw, we 
want to keep this pointed toward xastir.

With Mapserver you can snag the png and then do pan/zoom, but it's 
solely to the extent of the image... if you have the associated 
shapefiles for maps, you can snag positions, place 'em in a spatially 
enabled database (OracleSpatial, postGIS) and generate shapefiles 

Creating symbols, rotating same, etc.  can be accomplished in mapserver...

Andreas Junge, N6NU wrote:
> I have XASTIR 1.4.1 running on my server enjoying the snapshots.png on my
> website.
> It would be nice to have an API to have access to at least Pan and Zoom. One
> could add a control to the web page to allow users to do just that.
> I can imagine two ways to get this functionality:
> 1) A tool that allows to inject keyboard strokes to any application in
> X-Windows
> 2) Maybe down the road there is a TCP/IP control port in XASTIR...
> Whaddoyathink?
> 73,
> Andreas, N6NU
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Gerry Creager -- gerry.creager at tamu.edu
Network Engineering -- AATLT, Texas A&M University	
Cell: 979.229.5301 Office: 979.458.4020 FAX: 979.847.8578
Page: 979.228.0173
Office: 903A Eller Bldg, TAMU, College Station, TX 77843

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