[Xastir-dev] Weather maps progress

Curt Mills archer at eskimo.com
Sun Jan 23 12:39:06 EST 2005

On Sun, 23 Jan 2005, Jerry Chamberlin wrote:

> Weather alerts seem faster but(Oh-OH) the incoming internet stations seem to
> lock much more frequest. running 2 instances on a X workstation, one local and
> one on another server, totallyt brought X workstation to it's knees.

No major changes to the weather alert code have been checked in yet.
I have the new stuff running but still need to work on the expire
code and some other miscellaneous stuff.

I need to make sure I check through the code that decides when to
redraw weather alerts.  I'd like it to redraw them only when a real
CHANGE happens to the weather alerts (new/change/expire) instead of
shortly after alerts come in.  I think it might be doing the latter
now with both versions of the code.  as I'm not sure the code is
accurate right now about what constitutes a change.

If you try to zoom out to U.S. or world level and have weather
alerts streaming in, Xastir will pause for a bit to process each one
and then (much too often) redraw the weather alerts/symbols/tracks.

The only changes that are in there now are minor ones I did last
week.  They might have helped a few percent, but weren't what I was
striving for.

So...  Better things are coming but I can't check them in yet.
Right now the expire code is segfaulting on me.  I could comment out
the expire code and commit it, which would fix your problem, but
then you'd have your weather alert hash table grow over time
unbounded.  Better that I get the expire stuff working so that
nobody runs a weird version like that too long.

Curt, WE7U.				archer at eskimo dot com
  Lotto:  A tax on people who are bad at math. - unknown
Windows:  Microsoft's tax on computer illiterates. - WE7U.
The world DOES revolve around me:  I picked the coordinate system!"

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