[Xastir-dev] Help testing messaging

Curt, WE7U archer at eskimo.com
Wed May 18 12:19:34 EDT 2005

If one or two people could help with some tests on RF it'd be most

I've done some tweaks which should allow messages to "WHO-IS" and to
"AE5PL-EM" to work, and the ack's coming back from the servers to
get recognized by Xastir.  This appears to work with an
internet-connected station, but I can't currently test it with an
RF-only connected Xastir station.

Format for WHO-IS is just "WHO-IS" as the destination and someone's
callsign as the message body.  A successful test will be a return
message from the WHO-IS server and the ack's getting recognized both

Format for AE5PL-EM is just "AE5PL-EM" as the destination, an e-mail
address as the first part of the message body, a space, and then the
messsage to send to the e-mail address.  Similar to the "EMAIL"
server some of you probably have tried, although I think there are
additional functions this new one can perform.  A successful test
will be ack's getting recognized and the e-mail getting received at
the remote e-mail address.

Messaging to regular stations should be checked as well to make sure
that I didn't break anything along the way.

If I can get all of this straight in the code shortly I'll try to
work on the EMAIL server ack problem.  That one's annoying because
you send to the EMAIL server but you get an ack back from a real
callsign.  Not exactly per spec.  Xastir doesn't recognize the ack
'cuz it doesn't come from the address we sent the message to.

Curt, WE7U.   APRS Client Comparisons: http://www.eskimo.com/~archer
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"Windows:  Microsoft's tax on computer illiterates." -- WE7U
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