[Xastir-dev] Excellent catch!

Curt, WE7U archer at eskimo.com
Wed Feb 14 10:29:32 EST 2007

Looks like I messed up the map_visible_lat_lon() function a while
back.  Gerry Steuve just corrected it.

It sure is easy to get mixed up with the different coordinate
systems we use for mapping...  I had to draw a diagram in order to
recheck the logic.  I added that diagram to the comments for that
function so perhaps I won't mess it up again.  Not in the same way

Thank you for fixing that!

Curt, WE7U.   APRS Client Comparisons: http://www.eskimo.com/~archer
"Lotto:    A tax on people who are bad at math." -- unknown
"Windows:  Microsoft's tax on computer illiterates." -- WE7U
"The world DOES revolve around me:  I picked the coordinate system!"

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