[Xastir-dev] Tactical Callsigns

Curt, WE7U archer at eskimo.com
Tue Jul 29 11:07:30 EDT 2008

I've been using local tactical callsigns in Xastir for a while.
They're useful for events.  If we're using more than one mapping
station we have to set the same local TAC callsigns on each station.

We now have the capability to send TAC callsigns across to other
stations, but this function isn't currently tied into the "create
TAC" function - It's done separately via an APRS message.


Should we tie these two together so that when each TAC is created
it's also sent to other stations?  This suggests a Send-All-TAC's
function too, perhaps one that repeats periodically to keep things
in sync.  We might also need to add code to "disown" TAC calls when
somebody else sends a new one attached to the same callsign, similar
to what we do for objects/items.

Should we create the notion of public/private or local/remote TAC
calls?  This might involve a bunch more code so I'm not sure I want
to head down this path yet, or ever.

Perhaps some people would be upset if Xastir started transmitting
the TAC calls they've been using for some time and such calls
weren't flattering to the people "out there".

Here's the TODO list from the db.c:fill_in_tactical_callsign
function.  Perhaps it'll bring forth more ideas or help to axe some
of the current ones:

// TODO:
// *) Use the valid_call(call) function here?
// *) Add a "Tactical Call Disable" togglebutton.  Default =
//    disabled.
// *) Send out TAC assignments as they are created via an APRS
//    message?
// *) Add "Send All Tactical Calls" menu entry.  Another entry to
//    send them out repetitively?
// *) Create a public/private distinction for TAC calls?
// *) Add public/private toggle to the Tactical Callsign box, and
//    have it send an APRS Message if public when changed?
// *) Add a method to list the public/private TAC calls we currently
//    have assigned.
// *) Create an easier method to remove one or more TAC calls?
//    Currently we have to send a blank assignment ("we7u-12=").
// From Bob:
// *) Range filter - won't accept tactical assignments without a
//    position within X miles of source.
// *) Change filter - won't accept changes from others for locally
//    created tac assignment.  Kind of implies two tables - local
//    and remote Button/menu item to send local, or send all - each
//    a manual operation, as we discussed.

Curt, WE7U.				archer at eskimo dot com
   Lotto:  A tax on people who are bad at math. - unknown
Windows:  Microsoft's tax on computer illiterates. - WE7U.
The world DOES revolve around me:  I picked the coordinate system!"

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