[Xastir-dev] Topic: Supported Platforms, Xastir-NG

John Sennesael gothic at donationcoders.com
Sun Jun 15 12:37:28 EDT 2008

> I don't have a lot of experience with C++, but it's close enough to
> C that I've been able to do some C++ hacking here and there.  I
> wouldn't object to going with C++.
> More votes?

Only my second post to the list, so I'm not sure if my vote 'counts',
but I'm definitively all for C++. 

Out of all languages I've used, C++ always turns out to be the most
flexible, and maintainable, when designing things good from the ground

I have experience with cross-platform application development in C++,
and am willing to help out as time allows (which is currently not much
but that may change.), especially with the GUI programming and maybe
networking code, but my experience with coding TNC drivers and audio
processing etc is pretty much 0. 

When you're going with C++ it is important to come up with a list of
platforms to support, because you'll have to keep that list in mind when
choosing libraries to use with your application.

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