[Xastir-dev] Topic: Supported Platforms, Xastir-NG

Tom Hayward tom at tomh.us
Mon Jun 16 13:39:50 EDT 2008

> Are there considerations which would limit our portability,
> particularly to embedded Linux devices or even PDA's/Cell-phones?
> How can we avoid these limitations?

I use GCC to compile C for embedded Linux. As long as the ./configure
supports cross-compiling everything goes smoothly. Some libraries I've
tried to use don't support the CC flag, so I have to do some makefile
hacking to get it to work. But in the end, it's still GCC so I haven't
run into any real complications.

I assume some embedded devices will have required features left out of
the kernel. This may require a kernel recompile, unless xastir can do
without the feature.

Speaking of cell-phones, I'd like to play with the iPhone SDK to see
what the mapping API is like (at this point I assume they give access
to the Google Maps app...). It might just require a layer between the
xastir daemon and Maps to get APRS running (APRS-IS only of course).
I'm definitely not familiar enough with the SDK to know what will be
required to run the daemon, if it's possible.


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