[Xastir-dev] differences between postGIS and postgres?

Brad Douglas rez at touchofmadness.com
Mon Jan 25 16:58:35 EST 2010

On 01/25/2010 11:51 AM, Jason KG4WSV wrote:
> On Mon, Jan 25, 2010 at 12:13 PM, Curt, WE7U <curt.we7u at gmail.com> wrote:
>> As I understand it, and my understanding is pretty iffy here, the
>> spatially-enabled databases add extra functions for doing searches
>> based on latitude/longitude bounding boxes.
> That is my (incredibly limited) understanding as well.
> I am operating under the assumption that if I simply spec it to use
> postgress, then moving to postGIS would entail a db engine recompile
> to include GIS extensions, and possibly modifying some queries to use
> that extra functionality.

I'm still waiting for a persuasive argument for using a full-blown
database for Xastir when SQLite will suffice if used properly.

IMO, you guys are going _way_ overboard, here.  If you want all of these
features, why not simply build it around a compact version of GRASS GIS?
 It'll be a lot easier than trying to rewrite the world.  Xaster != GIS
software and personally I'd like to keep it that way.  If you want GIS
features, by all means, please use GIS.

I'd also imagine wxWidgets would be much more portable and easier to
write than Qt, but YMMV.

My irrelevant $0.01.

73, de KB8UYR/6 Brad Douglas <rez at touchofmadness.com>

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