[Xastir-dev] Proposal for eliminating the .osm files;

Jerry Dunmire jerry at dunmire.org
Fri Jun 18 14:55:27 EDT 2010

On Fri, Jun 18, 2010 at 10:05 AM, Curt, WE7U <curt.we7u at gmail.com> wrote:

> I don't know about the larger dialog thing.  Perhaps another textbox
> that dumped out data that had to be OK'ed when certain maps were
> selected.

That sounds like it might be workable. I particularly like the
generality, but it's still a lot of new functionality. Do you know if
any gotchas I should watch out for when trying to open a notification
box from within a dialog?

> I spent a bunch of time years back trying to make most of the
> dialogs and Xastir itself play on a 640x480 color screen.  I have a
> device that's a truck-mount touch-screen PC that is like that, plus
> others requested that size (and smaller actually).  That job was
> not completed as there are still one or two dialogs that are a bit
> too tall, and some may have grown since I did that.  Just a little
> history about dialog sizes so you know that's a concern as well.
> We'd eventually like Xastir to be able to run on embedded devices,
> but I doubt we'll get there with Xastir 1.x.

OK, changing dialog sizes doesn't sound like a good idea.

> As far as worth it?  Hard to say.  It sounds fairly general, but the
> code changes may outweight the usefulness.  Do you have other ideas
> that will get you where you want to go w/o turning so much code
> over?
I think displaying a notification box when the map is first drawn
would be simpler, but that didn't get any support when I proposed it
earlier. Existing users seem to want the message displayed when the
map is selected- and that is new functionality both UI and code.

To me the difference in zooming that I proposed at the beginning of
this thread is not all that different from what exists now. To me the
zoom levels, +/-10% and powers-of-2 seemed arbitrary and so I seemed
like a good compromise to change just those steps to be OSM levels
(which are power's of two, but scaled for the difference in units
between Xastir and OSM).

I'm now getting the idea that the specific zoom levels used in Xastir
do have important meaning to others (I'm trying to learn!!). So maybe
keeping the .osm files so that individual users can have their own
preference is the best option for now.


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