[Xastir] Re: [Xastir-Dev] Changes to Igating: Igate Queues
KC7ZRU - Tate
kc7zru at arrl.net
Fri Aug 9 00:28:59 EDT 2002
I've been out of town since early Monday - going to do a CVS update
tonight and see "what's up"
I've been real tempted to go back to having aprsd do my I-gate chores. I
know - blasphemy, but hey, I'm only human <G>.
Couple reasons for the temptation:
Familiarity: What with the current lack of 'ham radio time' here, it's
simply convenient to use software that I know how to configure/operate.
I don't know for sure how to configure xastir for similar options like
the aprsd.conf commands "posit2rf", "msg2rf" etc (nws-stations.txt?). I
know, I'm a lazy goof - it's very likely in the readmes, someplace... (I
think i'm beginning to understand why Bob B wrote so freak'n many text
files covering so many subjects).
IGUP beacon from N7XUC: It's not getting out. Not sure why. I know my
server (which xastir is hooked up to) gets it, but I'm not getting 'em
on the air. Considering the coverage area, well - there are a lot of
antelope and even an APRS user here and there that would like to know if
they have I-gate access. Me for one when I'm "out there".
Work: looks like I'm going to be spending a LOT more time OoT. Being on
hand to recompile, re-configure etc is becoming a challenge. Nice
problem to have mind you! Biggest negative there is you all ain't gonna
get timely feed back.
Interfaces: limited here. I just run a serial connected TNC at this
time. No "multiple" interfaces to test your efforts on.
Testing scenarios: At the best, there may be as many as 3 trackers in
the coverage area here. Near as I can tell, the other two very rarely,
if ever, do I-gate/I-net handled messaging. Very few opportunities for
things to go right/wrong and/or test the beast at hand. Heck, they both
work at the same place I do <g>!
I'll be running xastir as my I-gate for AT LEAST through this weekend.
This is your chance - do the do and fire what you want checked out now.
Come Monday, it'll likely be another "week" 'for I can do things 'gain.
When I leave town again, I'll be run'n aprsd for I-gate until I get
back. Well, at least that's my plan tonight.
Best to ya!
73, Tate
"Curt Mills, WE7U" wrote:
> On Sat, 27 Jul 2002, Curt Mills, WE7U wrote:
> I've received one response to date. Anyone else checked out igating
> and whether it works better/worse/not-at-all since my changes?
> In areas with several igates the changes should have reduced RF
> traffic considerably.
> I'm interested in reports from igates running CVS July 25 or later
> Xastir.
> Curt Mills, WE7U hacker.NO_*SPAM at tc.fluke.com
> Senior Methods Engineer/SysAdmin
> "Lotto: A tax on people who are bad at math." -- unknown
> "Windows: Microsoft's tax on computer illiterates." -- WE7U
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