[Xastir-dev] Re: [Xastir] xastir server. et-al
Gerry Creager N5JXS
n5jxs at tamu.edu
Fri Aug 16 04:52:25 EDT 2002
Curt Mills, WE7U wrote:
> On Thu, 15 Aug 2002, vic alger wrote:
>>I would like to see support for what I submitted to the feature request
>>#576717 submitted on 7-2-02.
> Me too. Who wants to code it? I assume you're talking about
> TigerLine data converted to Shapefile format on the local hard
> drive. You're after an easy way to select various layers and maps
> for use.
Aren't we all?
>>Also the map support is so good now that it's getting a little crazy to make
>>different maps work indepently instead of a whole bunch loading on top of
>>each other. Correct me if I have overlooked a SIMPLE way to make it work.
>>We need more map windows and not more instances of xastir running to get
>>another map.
> Yep. One has to be a bit of a map expert in order to figure out
> what things to select, and what not to select. We definitely need a
> better method to integrate it all.
We need to start coming up with a naming convention for transportation,
hydrography, hypsography (contours), DRG (quadsheet), etc. And then, as
we download maps, we need to place them in appropriately named
directories, perhaps? Or name them consistent with the naming
convention? I don't have a final answer, but this is a start.
We also need to think about a layer-selection and drawing precedence
tool. You're looking at a view and want to put something on top. You
click on this tool and it brings up a check-box system that allows you
to select a layer, allow editing on it, raise or lower its secuence of
drawing, enable selectively, labelling for that layer (or several
layers), and even select which database field controls that layer's label...
>>I really don't see any
>>practical use of GROUP messages. Maybe I don't know how to use it.
> I don't use this either. It's a carry-over from the original
> Xastir. Anyone else use it, or know of the proper uses for it?
BUT a "track group" would be useful! Select a group name, enter
appropriate calls, and track them, or display only them, or display
eveyone but them... sort of a software budlist for displaying stations...
>>I perfer the whole package staying together instead of having to get 12 or 20
>>modules working properly. AX25 was bad enough.
> I'm thinking along the lines of one program that will allow one to
> configure, start, stop, and monitor everything. For the typical
> user with perhaps one interface and a network connection the
> operation wouldn't have to be much different than it currently is
> starting up the monolithic version of Xastir.
> Separate modules give us a lot of flexibility and the potential for
> adding a tremendous amount of very cool features. We're going to
> head in that direction, it's just a matter of when and how.
I like that approach!
73, gerry
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