[Xastir] Still getting crashes

Jack Reilly aa6vn at pacbell.net
Sun Dec 14 06:21:03 EST 2003

In the four days since I replaced my video card card I have not had crashes 
where I have to restart X or KDE. But I am still getting crashes of Xastir 
where I have to restart Xastir.  Here are three that I have had:

1. Xastir just disappeared without any indication why.

2. I got one of these which was my most frequwnt one before the card change:

"Making user /home/jacrei/.xastir/tracklogs/KG6MRC-10.trk file
X Error of failed request:  BadValue (integer parameter out of range for 
  Major opcode of failed request:  56 (X_ChangeGC)
  Value in failed request:  0x4
  Serial number of failed request:  13307969
  Current serial number in output stream:  13307977"

That one happened while I was looking thru the list - All Stations.

3. Got this report:
"Caught Segfault! Xastir will terminate
Last incoming line was:          3D333631372E3337 4E2F31313930382E 
3934575F3330302F 3030306730303074 3035387230303070 3031332E2E2E2E68 
3030623130313735 6455326B732E630D

I found this code in the tnc.log file and here is that section:
>> 82A0A4B0686C60 AE826CB2988460 AE826C949482E6 AE92888A644061 03F0
         3D333631372E3337 4E2F31313930382E 3934575F3133322F 3030306730303074 
4347230303070 3030302E2E2E2E68 3030623130323134 6455326B732E630D
# Sat Dec 13 15:35:38 PST 2003

This is all way over my head and I sure need help!

Jack       aa6vn at pacbell.net

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