[Xastir] New configure.ac script

Steve Dimse k4hg at tapr.org
Fri Feb 14 07:56:02 EST 2003

On 2/13/03 at 11:02 PM archer at eskimo.com (Curt Mills, WE7U) sent:

>Yes.  And MacOSX/Lindows/Solaris/FreeBSD/whatever else that comes
Well, it still isn't right on MacOS X. It does not use the PATH variable to set
up its library, so it does not find Magick and libshp.

If you aren't aware, Fink places all its Unix stuff in the /sw directory. It
also updates the PATH variable, so it will be found by programs that follow the
rules, and almost all software does.

As a minimum, if the build type is darwin, you should add /sw/lib and /sw/bin/,
better would be to use the PATH variable.

Steve K4HG

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