[Xastir] xastir doesn't see anything over port 8000 ...

Orrin Winton oakenshieldd at lycos.com
Sun Jul 13 17:14:57 EDT 2003

Hello to the net, i am back after a couple months of not
having a radio.  My radio is back from Yaesu and i also now
have a real computer (Red Hat).  My problem is as follows;
appreciate any help here:

1.  Am running AGWPE on my WinXP machine.  (I can't transmit
yet because of PTT problems but that's not relevant to this
post.)  I run Cygwin, and agwpe and Xastir see the received
stations no problem.  Stations appear on the map.

1.5. The XP machine is networked to my Linux box.

2.  I am running Xastir under Red Hat 9.  Xastir says that
the agwpe interface on port 8000 is UP.  But no stations are
appearing on the map, and "view - all stations" shows no

3.  Info:  my bnc-cable network is up.  I can ping both ways
(windows and linux machines to each other).  There may be 
some network or access problem in that Mozilla (on the RH9
machine) can visit webpages on my XP machine, but the XP
browser can't go to the RH9 machine's webserver (BUT the
RH9 Mozilla can go to its own index.html -- the webserver
is definitely running).  I don't know if the webserver
problem is relevant or not.

Thanks again
Orrin WN1Z in Calif.

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