[Xastir] dumb but quick questions
Jim Shorney
jshorney at inebraska.com
Mon May 19 00:14:27 EDT 2003
WARNING: Unsanitized content follows.
On Sun, 18 May 2003 22:00:14 -0600, Chris Howard wrote:
>I don't know anything about AX.25, but I'm starting to think if
>I configure it, I can use digi_ned or aprsdigi software and maybe use xastir
>at the same time. Is that possible? The multiplexing part of it
>is what has me fuddled. Can I have more than one application
>operating via my one radio? My current TNC does not understand
>the wide3-3 type of syntax, so I think I want to use soundmodem
>or something like that, so I can use my sound card and take the TNC
>out of the picture completely. Is that right?
Digi_Ned talks to the TNC in KISS mode through the AX.25 stuff. Your
existing TNC should work fine if it supports KISS mode; I'm running
just such a setup here. The Digi_Ned docs detail how to set it up, and
Digi_Ned has some powerful digi rules that you can use to cover those
dusty corners. They way I have it set up, Digi_Ned handles the TNC and
feeds Hamish Moffat's version of aprsd, which I then connect Xastir (or
any other APRS software capable of connecting to the Linux box over the
LAN) to. Works pretty slick, with the side benefit that I can have
APRS on any LAN-connected machine in the house with one TNC/radio, and
also do iGateing through aprsd if I want to...
- --
Jim Shorney -->.<--Put complaints in this box
jshorney at inebraska.com
nu0c at amsat.org
Ham Radio NU0C
Lincoln, NE, USA
Version: 2.6.2
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