[Xastir] Xastir forgetting DNS???

Wes Johnston wes at johnston.net
Tue Oct 21 21:19:26 EDT 2003

I've got  v1.2.1 not CVS running under redhat 9 full install (to include 
the kitchen sink)....

After several hours of running, xastir looses it's connenction 
to  aprs.kd4rdb.com on ports 8000 and 23  (agwpe and telnet).  This is the 
2nd day in a row.  It does not loose connection to my agwpe host in garage 
(prob because it's on a 192.x.x.x hard coded address.  I can open a 
terminal window and ping the host (it resolves an address of, which that host has had for weeks now).  I'm wondering if 
xastir fails to re-lookup the address after the DNS entry expires?  I have 
that host running on dyndns and the TTL is 60 seconds.

I deleted the agwpe interface which was talking to aprs.kd4rdb.com and 
recreated it (to potentially force a DNS lookup), but it would not open.

If I exit xastir and run it again, it works....



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