[Xastir] readme.win32 file

Tyler Allison tyler at allisonhouse.com
Wed Sep 3 16:18:51 EDT 2003

> The way you are doing it is a waste of time if you have enough disk
> space. Some time in the future if you want to load other programs you
> will have to go through the process all over again. Loading all the
> libraries from the get go is the only way to ensure NOT to have to go
> through all that again.

Loading all the libraries wont get you anywhere other than having to
either remove or replace more libraries than you did before. There is a
fundimental problem with the libraries as provided by RH9. They simply can
not be used with Xastir....period.

Let's all remember RPM is just a simple way of getting pre-compiled
binaries. Doing a ./configure;make;make install on the source will get you
the exact same thing. I've done it...it doesnt break RedHat.


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