[Xastir] sound files - locations

Byron Smith wa6ylb at theworks.com
Tue Sep 23 10:14:14 EDT 2003

On Tue, 2003-09-23 at 05:22, Chris Hare, KD5WIM wrote:
> Put the sound files in /usr/local/share/xastir/sounds.
> As an alternative to vplay, you might want to consider festival for
> speech alerts.  For example, I use vplay to play thunder.wav for weather
> alerts, and then use speech to provide the weather alert speech and
> identifier.

Well, that did the trick. Perhaps the wav files need to be part of the
package, or at least the address you gave needs to be in the Docs. How
was a guy suppose to know to put the sounds there?


In RH9, the helper utility is just "play". I changed from
vplay -q to just "play". Its working now. 

I'll add festival and the other items. I wanted to get the
stuff in the original compile working *before* I start adding more
bells and whistles.

Thank you so very much.


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