[Xastir] win32 shapefiles

Curt Mills, WE7U archer at eskimo.com
Thu Sep 25 00:20:51 EDT 2003

On Wed, 24 Sep 2003, Orrin Winton wrote:

> == Lower number means higher priority, right?

Depends on how you look at it.  Simplest way to look at it is that
Xastir will draw the lowest number first, then the next highest.

End result is that maps with higher numbers will appear on TOP of
maps with lower numbers.

0 or '-' = bottom of the stack of maps
99999    = top of the stack of maps (always visible)

Curt, WE7U.				archer at eskimo.com
  Lotto:  A tax on people who are bad at math. - unknown
Windows:  Microsoft's tax on computer illiterates. - WE7U.
The world DOES revolve around me:  I picked the coordinate system!"

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