[Xastir] Draw Mode

Josh Keller jeepin95 at comcast.net
Fri Apr 9 14:53:23 EDT 2004

> Middle button, or both buttons if you have a 2-button mouse.

That's what I was missing, both buttons, thanks :-)

> You can also use the Team name as the callsign, then put the real
> callsign into the comment field in your tracker to make it work for
> real.

So I can set callsign in my TH7AG to whatever team name I want, then the
status to my callsign and have it transmit every time and I'm covered as far
as needing to send my callsign with messages? Do I need to set status to 1/1
or is it still OK to set it to TX every 6 messages or so?

Thanks again,

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