[Xastir] compiling on SuSE 9.1

David Flood davidf4 at mindspring.com
Tue Aug 3 12:09:32 EDT 2004

I'll take this on since I'm running 9.1 but I won't be able to tackle it
until tomorrow.  I'll have to double check what I had to add.  But I do
remember that I was able to use any of the current tar.gz's and compile the
stuff (shapelib and stuff) just fine.......

-----Original Message-----
From: xastir-bounces at lists.xastir.org
[mailto:xastir-bounces at lists.xastir.org] On Behalf Of Rick Green
Sent: Tuesday, August 03, 2004 8:20 AM
To: xastir at xastir.org
Subject: Re: [Xastir] compiling on SuSE 9.1

On Tue, 3 Aug 2004, Rick Green wrote:

> Oops! In what looks like the final link of all the modules into the
> xastir executable, gcc complained with 'cannot find -llcms'
  I _do_ have the liblcms package installed.  `locate lcms` tells me:
/usr/lib/liblcms.so.1 /usr/lib/liblcms.so.1.0.12 /usr/share/liblcms

  The gcc invocation that err'd out did have '-L/usr/lib' but not
'-L/usr/share'.  I must admit I'm not a gcc guru, but I suspect it's not
looking in the right place?  Possibly a slight change to the makefile will
expand the search?

Grasping at straws, I search yast a few more times, and come up with
curl-devel and eazy, who's descriptions lead me to believe they may help...

A search of ARCHIVES.gz on the DVD yields no mention of 'shapelib'
'libshape'(other than a filter script for gnome's dia utility), so it looks
like I'll have to go elsewhere for those.  ANybody know a source for those
libraries ported to the 2.6 kernel?

I re-run ./configure.  It doesn't discover any new features it can support.
I edit the Makefile, adding '-L/usr/share' to the LDFLAGS= line.

I re-run 'make', and get the same error.  The gcc invocation which err'd out
did NOT have the '-L/usr/share' parameter I had added to the Makefile, even
though the other two -L options seemed to come from that LDFLAGS line.  But
then, I did say that I'm not a gcc guru... (A search for LDFLAGS yields no
references lower down in the file, but maybe it's referenced in another
Makefile in a lower directory?)  I browse the Makefile, and see a comment
about not editing this file, but instead editing config.status.  I search
that file for LDFLAGS, and add '-L/usr/share' to that line.  WHen I re-run
`make`, the gcc invocatopn does include the '-L/usr/share' option, but it
STILL err's out with the same "cannot find -llcms" message.

  So I'm left sitting with these open questions:

1) Where can I find the Shapelib libraries for the 2.6 kernel?
2) Do I have a version problem with my ImageMagick libraries.  They are
there, but don't seem to support 'WriteImage'.  I have version 5.5.7-220
3) I have liblcms-1.12-55 installed, but the loader isn't finding it. How
can I point it in the right direction, or what do I move into what

Rick Green

"They that can give up essential liberty to obtain a little  temporary
safety, deserve neither liberty nor safety."
                                  -Benjamin Franklin

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