[Xastir] Application has failed because libICE.dll was not found.Re-installing the app may fix problem
n7yge at hctc.com
Mon Dec 6 19:11:28 EST 2004
Thanks for that information because you helped to satisfy my curiosity as to
if the problem was only because I do not know my way around the file
structure very good. I am sorry it also happened to you but at least now I
know it was not just me as a novice trying to play with all the files that
were updated and caused my problem.
I ended up hosing my Xastir directory so badly (completely lost the bash
screen and only had the cygwin green screen come up) that I had to start all
over and do a complete download again to take control of not knowing what I
was doing. This way I felt I would get the most current download and with
the hope of no bugs; Mr. Clean. I saw "SU, SUDO... and did not understand
that stuff as I think that is newer stuff. If not, it did not matter and I
thought if I called on a complete new download, I would feed the world of
hunger for the one rice bowl I need.
Well here I still sit as of last night I finally managed to get a bash
screen up and running again but it is using a file called "~" which in the
directory where I downloaded to but not in the directory C:/Cygwin/ . So
when I type ls or dir in the bash window, I cannot get to CD ~/usr/xastir.
I do not know if I can copy the ~ file and paste it in the C:/cygwin mess of
directories some place so the bash window will them list the cygwin
directory files structure.
Too hard to try to explain. I will eventually figure it out. I am going to
a Linux machine eventually so I do not care if I make this happen. I have
other APRS programs to get by with for now. But Xastir is one of the best
cross word puzzles you can attempt for sure. That is unless you are an
expert in this area. It is fun stuff I have to admit which keeps me picking
at it. I am amazed at watching the compressed files unzip and get
installed. That is amazing how exact they all have to be to work together
and by different folks playing with the files as things evolve. Then when
you update you just yell and scream ina loud voice; Come on Sever nor
eleven! I got snake eyes when I got the libICE.dll message and stopped me
cold in my gambling for success.
I am glad you figured it out. I will always wonder what the libiconv
package changed to make it get fixed and the intiial conflict when we did
our updates.
Thanks again for the information. If more folks run into this, maybe a note
should go into the READme.win32 file as to the fix. Also fix:
tar xzf ~/festival/festlex-CMU.tar.gz
tar xzf ~/festival/festlex-POSLEX.tar.gz
tar xzf ~/festival/festvox-kallpc16k.tar.gz
The "-" (hyphen) should be "_" (underscore) for the three files.
Jerry DE N7YGE
-----Original Message-----
From: xastir-bounces at xastir.org [mailto:xastir-bounces at xastir.org] On Behalf
Of Matt Werner
Sent: Monday, December 06, 2004 12:20 AM
To: xastir at xastir.org
Subject: Re: [Xastir] Application has failed because libICE.dll was not
found.Re-installing the app may fix problem
On Sat, 27 Nov 2004 09:04:53 -0800 (PST), Curt Mills <archer at eskimo.com>
> On Fri, 26 Nov 2004, N7YGE wrote:
> > I just updated cygwin and then ran the update-xastir. The xastir
> > update did not completely finish and got hung up where the id.exe
> > file ran to over 190,000,000k and wanted more virtual memory.
> >
> > If I try to run xastir I get the subject error message. What
> > creates the libICE.dll file?? This may be the clue I need.
I just ran into a similar problem where I get a message about libICE.dll.
Installing the cygwin package libiconv and then recompiling (after a cvs
update since I was recompiling anyway) fixed the problem here.
73 - Matt
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