[Xastir] Application has failed because libICE.dll was not found.Re-installing the app may fix problem

Matt Werner kb0kqa at gmail.com
Tue Dec 7 12:09:57 EST 2004

Hi Jerry -

On Mon, 6 Dec 2004 16:11:28 -0800, N7YGE <n7yge at hctc.com> wrote:

> Well here I still sit as of last night I finally managed to get a bash
> screen up and running again but it is using a file called "~" which in the
> directory where I downloaded to but not in the directory C:/Cygwin/ .  So
> when I type ls or dir in the bash window, I cannot get to CD ~/usr/xastir.
> I do not know if I can copy the ~ file and paste it in the C:/cygwin mess of
> directories some place so the bash window will them list the cygwin
> directory files structure.

The tilde (~) isn't a file.  It is just telling you that you are in
your current home directory.  Basically it's shorthand for /home/Jerry
or whatever your home directory is.  If it shows you at ~/xastir then
you are really at /home/Jerry/xastir.

> Too hard to try to explain.  I will eventually figure it out. I am going to
> a Linux machine eventually so I do not care if I make this happen.

A little bit of the stuff in making xastir work in cygwin is unique -
most is the same whether you do it in Linux or cygwin.

Unix like operating systems have a very steep learning curve for those
only familiar with the Windows-based OS.  Stick with the learning and
ask questions and you'll figure it out.

73 - Matt

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