[Xastir] Xwindows spew
James Ewen
jewen at shaw.ca
Tue Dec 28 20:45:55 EST 2004
> No idea. Are you saying that X-windows doesn't come up now
> and you get the text instead? Describe it better and perhaps
> one of the regular Cygwin users can help you. I doubt I can.
The readme.win32 file instructs you to modify startwin.bat (which doesn't
exist, but startxwin.bat does). This file contains a line which launches the
bash window. You are instructed to add a second line to start Xastir as
well. The first time I did this, I got the bash window, with a message
"Binary operator expected". I never did get around to asking what that was.
I just ignored it, as it appeared to not harm anything.
Now when the bash window opens, all of the following scrolls by and then you
are presented with the bash prompt.
declare -x !::="::\\"
declare -x !C:="C:\\cygwin\\home\\jewen"
declare -x !EXITCODE="00000000"
declare -x ALLUSERSPROFILE="C:\\Documents and Settings\\All Users"
declare -x APPDATA="C:\\Documents and Settings\\James Ewen\\Application
declare -x COLLECTIONID="COL5123"
declare -x COMMONPROGRAMFILES="C:\\Program Files\\Common Files"
declare -x COMSPEC="C:\\WINDOWS\\system32\\cmd.exe"
declare -x CVS_RSH="/bin/ssh"
declare -x CYGWIN_ROOT="\\cygwin"
declare -x DISPLAY=""
declare -x FP_NO_HOST_CHECK="NO"
declare -x HMSERVER="https://h30083.www3.hp.com/wuss/servlet/WUSSServlet"
declare -x HOME="/home/jewen"
declare -x HOMEDRIVE="C:"
declare -x HOMEPATH="\\Documents and Settings\\James Ewen"
declare -x HOSTNAME="VE6SRV"
declare -x
declare -x ITEMID="dj-17724-8"
declare -x LANG="1033"
declare -x LOGNAME="jewen"
declare -x LOGONSERVER="\\\\VE6SRV"
declare -x MAKE_MODE="unix"
declare -x
declare -x OLDPWD="/home/jewen"
declare -x OS="Windows_NT"
declare -x OSVER="winXPH"
declare -x
2/Wbem:/cygdrive/c/Program Files/ATI Technologies/ATI Control
Panel:/cygdrive/c/Program Files/Common Files/Roxio Shared/DLLShared"
declare -x PKG_CONFIG_PATH="/usr/X11R6/lib/pkgconfig"
declare -x PRINTER="Microsoft Office Document Image Writer"
declare -x PROCESSOR_IDENTIFIER="x86 Family 6 Model 10 Stepping 0,
declare -x PROCESSOR_LEVEL="6"
declare -x PROCESSOR_REVISION="0a00"
declare -x PROGRAMFILES="C:\\Program Files"
declare -x PROMPT="\$P\$G"
declare -x PS1="\\[\\033]0;\\w\\007\
\\033[32m\\]\\u@\\h \\[\\033[33m\\w\\033[0m\\]\
\$ "
declare -x PWD="/home/jewen"
declare -x SESSIONID="1089148511854wuws06-l92dcdb:fd964f5b40:-74b9"
declare -x SESSIONNAME="Console"
declare -x SHLVL="1"
declare -x SWUTVER=""
declare -x SYSTEMDRIVE="C:"
declare -x TEMP="/cygdrive/c/DOCUME~1/JAMESE~1/LOCALS~1/Temp"
declare -x TERM="xterm"
declare -x TERMCAP="xterm-r6|xterm|xterm X11R6
declare -x TIMEOUT="0"
declare -x TMP="/cygdrive/c/DOCUME~1/JAMESE~1/LOCALS~1/Temp"
declare -x
declare -x UPDATEDIR="C:\\DOCUME~1\\JAMESE~1\\LOCALS~1\\Temp\\rad9B4CF.tmp"
declare -x USER="jewen"
declare -x USERDOMAIN="VE6SRV"
declare -x USERNAME="jewen"
declare -x USERPROFILE="C:\\Documents and Settings\\James Ewen"
declare -x VERSION="3.0.1"
declare -x WINDIR="C:\\WINDOWS"
declare -x WINDOWID="20971534"
declare -x XAPPLRESDIR="/usr/X11R6/lib/X11/app-defaults"
declare -x XCMSDB="/usr/X11R6/lib/X11/Xcms.txt"
declare -x XKEYSYMDB="/usr/X11R6/lib/X11/XKeysymDB"
declare -x XNLSPATH="/usr/X11R6/lib/X11/locale"
As I said before it looks like a bunch of environment variables being set
up. I just wondered why they are being dumped to the screen now, and if I
can shut it off.
> > I also can't seem to get Xastir to talk to my D700 anymore. Which
> > interface do I use? I thought I used serial TNC w/GPS on
> AUX port, but
> > it doesn't want to talk to the radio anymore.
> D700's have two modes, aprs and packet. It's likely that
> UI-View changed the mode of the D700.
Yes, UI-View changed the mode of the D700... It is supposed to do so. It
changes it to PKT mode the same way that Xastir should. I wanted to make
sure that the laptop hadn't lost the serial ports somehow. Xastir had
grabbed control of the serial port, since UI-View complained. However, it
appeared that Xastir was not sending the commands out the serial port.
> The correct interface would be either the "Serial TNC" or the
> "Serial TNC w/GPS on AUX", depending on whether you want GPS
> data intermixed in there. There is a "tnc-startup.d700" file
> that comes with Xastir. That should take you to "packet"
> mode on the D700 again.
Okay, I thought that I set it to TNC w/GPS on AUX originally. With it not
working, I started to doubt myself. It worked so easily the first time, I
thought perhaps I set it to a different interface. I will focus my efforts
on this interface.
> > Specifically, lines starting with # are usually comments.
> > Is this line commented out, or is it acted upon?
> > ## META <delay>
> Acted upon. In our case we look for "##META" as a special command.
> So far we only allow:
> ##META delay
> ##META no-ctrl-c
> "delay" causes a sleep for 500ms. "no-ctrl-c" keeps it from
> sending a control-C for the next command. The default is to
> send a ctrl-c before every line to make sure the TNC is in
> command mode.
> Other than that, they're just TNC commands, with comments
> interspersed.
Okay, so the only commands available are delay and no-ctrl-c, and these are
interpreted by Xastir itself, right?
That means I can rewrite the d700 file so that it works faster... There are
far too many delays in there. It spends more time sleeping than working.
I'll have to see if all those 'ctrl-c's cause any confusion or not.
First things first, I have to get Xastir talking to the D700 again... DOH!
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