[Xastir] Mapping site

Luc Doré va2ksh at rac.ca
Sun May 23 12:15:08 EDT 2004

Fellow Xasters

Here is an interesting command that uses the multimap internet site for  
online maps.  Would this be an interesting add-on to Xastir that can be  
used in the same method that issues a wget for tigermaps ?

-- of course this is a single line --  

map=`curl "http://www.multimap.com/map/browse.cgi?lat=<decimal  
latitude>&lon=<decimal longtitude>&scale=25000&width=800&height=600" |  
grep -i 'input name="multimap"' | sed -e 's/^.*src="//g' -e 's/"  
alt=.*//g'`; wget $map

for my home it looks like this :

-73.8926&scale=5000&width=800&height=600" | grep -i 'input  
name="multimap"' | sed -e 's/^.*src="//g' -e 's/" alt=.*//g'`; wget  

and there's the map in gif ready for use....

This site contains maps readily available for Europe, Canada, the US  
and many other places.

Looks interesting to me, especially for those of us that aren't covered  
by the tigermaps.

Tell me what you think.

Luc D. -- VA2KSH
PGPid: 0x6A0DF068

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