[Xastir] Re: Multi-windowed Xastir Sessions

Jason Winningham jdw at eng.uah.edu
Sun Nov 14 14:43:46 EST 2004

since all this stuff with multiple xastirs running under one uid seems 
to be related to the config dir (~/.xastir), would it be much trouble 
to just allow the user to specify the config directory on the command 
line? e.g.:

$ xastir -d xastir-server&
$ xastir -d xastir-bigmap&
$ xastir -d xastir-detailmap&


Wait a minute, I think I just looked at the source code and answered my 
own question:

$ xastir&
$ mkdir xastir-test
$ export XASTIR_USER_BASE=$PWD/xastir-test
$ xastir&

Gets me an xastir window with my old config, and second xastir with a 
brand new config directory in xastir-test/.xastir .

If we could get a command line option that does the same thing as the 
XASTIR_USER_BASE environment variable does it would be useful.


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