[Xastir] GNIS Labels ?

tbaggett at jump.net tbaggett at jump.net
Sun Jan 2 01:32:36 EST 2005

Forgive me if I am I'm getting involved here where I shouldn't, or if I don't understand all the circumstances of the project ...

> I think the right thing to do would be to have one or more
> developers concentrate on splitting the current code base up into
> multiple pieces, while other developers focus on bug fixing the
> current stuff.  We'd want to do the splitting on a CVS branch so
> that we wouldn't interrupt the bug-fixing on the main branch.
> Once the split code was ready, it could be merged into the main
> branch and everybody could try it out.  

FWIW, I suggest freezing the Xastir code and tagging it onto a branch of it's own. All bug fixes are made to the branch and merged into the trunk as needed. Leave the massive coding changes on the trunk.

In my experience it is easier to merge multiple small changes (bug fixes) from a branch to a trunk than it is to merge massive developmental changes from a branch onto a trunk.

BTW, I like the idea of using TCP sockets.


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