[Xastir] more dbfawk problems

Jason Winningham jdw at eng.uah.edu
Wed Jan 5 20:36:59 EST 2005

What Tom said.

I have assumed it is a problem in the shapefile label drawing code, 
since Tom discovered that possibility.

It also appears the same sort of thing is happening with the contour 
labels on the DLGs I converted to shapefiles.  I don't see nice 
regularly spaced labels; for the most part I only see labels at the 
edge of a data set, which means there're very few lables in the middle 
of the quad, then a jumble at the edge where two quads meet and each 
one draws a label.

I haven't looked at it too much in the last couple of days.  I've had 
to go back to work after xmas break, and I'm having to re-train myself 
and get ready for the semester to start on Monday.  That, and stirring 
the pot on the APRS SIG. (:


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