[Xastir] hit and run packet

Dick C. Reichenbach dreichen at columbus.rr.com
Tue Jan 18 10:40:37 EST 2005

Curt Mills wrote:

>On Thu, 13 Jan 2005, Wes Johnston wrote:
>>You have a point though... if my local IGATE (kc4pl) were to shorten his dump on
>>connect time to say, 10 minutes, I'd stay caught up as I travelled from one
>>hotspot to the next.
>>Other than the 2 minute retry, is there any way for xastir to know that eth0's
>>IP address has failed? or has been reinitiated?  Can it trigger someway off of
>>a hook in a sucessful DHCP assignment?  In other words, if I unplug my cat 5
>>cable, eth0 fails.  Could xastir know that DHCP requested a new IP sucessfully
>>when the cable was reinserted?
>I'm sure something could be worked out if it was truly useful to do
>so.  We'd have to talk about what might be the best implementation.
>We have a way to take snapshots via a signal.  Perhaps another
>signal could be used to tell Xastir to retry the network connection,
>then some external stimulus could cause that to happen when the
>network was up.

Seems easy enough.  Use perl and the server port.  If your perl script 
detects DHCP is now up, then it could send a basic APRS message to the 
server port saying something like "Turn Interface 0 ON" or "Turn 
Interface 0 OFF", scince APRS data sent to the server port is never 
gated, then only your box would see it, and you would get a message 
notice telling you that information.  The parser would only start 
interface 0 if the sender matched an internal ID code, like Callsign-PL 
or whatever.

Dick Reichenbach.

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