[Xastir] Directed Station Query for Position?

William McKeehan mckeehan at mckeehan.homeip.net
Tue May 10 15:15:40 EDT 2005

I know there is a station on RF not too far from me. His packets do not make
it to an IGate, and they are not being digied by any of the digi's that I can

Is there a way in Xastir to send a query packet to that station and have it
return it's location to me via RF?

I'm pretty sure I can get to him in two hops, but one of those hops supports
WIDE, the other WIDEn-N, so his path of WIDE2-2 is not getting packets to me.

In the APRS Spec, it looks like the APRSP query is designed for this, but I
don't see 1) how to use it from Xastir and 2) if my query will determine the
reply path.

Thanks for any guidance!
William McKeehan
Internet: mckeehan at mckeehan.homeip.net

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