[Xastir] 1.5 woes on OSX

Luc Doré VA2KSH va2ksh at rac.ca
Wed May 11 18:29:39 EDT 2005

Good evening to all,

Unfortunately, the migration to 1.5 isn't doing too well.  Much like  
Bruce's message from two days ago, the build succeeds well and once  
installed, the debug level of 16 displays several hundred times the  
message "Warning: Cannot find callback list in XtAddCallback".
No other intriguing messages are on the log.

The window does open up, but the render of the screen items  
(excluding the map) is not complete.  No actions can be performed,  
zooming, menu items, etc....

I am so glad to tar up a backup copy of my functional 1.4.2 before  
deleting everything and 'make'ing 1.5

Luc D. -- VA2KSH
PGPid: 0x6A0DF068

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