[Xastir] 1.5 woes on OSX

N1OFZ n1ofz at arrl.net
Thu May 12 14:23:09 EDT 2005


I downloaded 1.5.0 and it built with no problem.  I've since done a  
cvs update and I'm running 1.5.1 with no problems.  The Tiger update  
did not update X11 so nothing on your system should have changed.   
One thing that did change is that Apple installed gcc 4.0 in addition  
to gcc 3.3.  However I have built Xastir with both and haven't seen  
any difference.  Here is a screen shot of 1.5.1 running under OS X  
10.4.  http://n1ofz.connares.org/APRS/xastir151

However, a long time ago I had a similar problem.  Where did you  
build Xastir and what did you compile into it?  Are you compiling  
from xterm or terminal.app?
My problem was Xastir needed to be told explicitly where many of the  
libraries were.  This ended up being due to having different  
environmental values in xterm vs. terminal.app.  did you use fink to  
install stuff like ImageMagick?  If so make sure path looks something  
like this: PATH=/sw/bin:/sw/sbin:/bin:/sbin:/usr/bin:/usr/sbin:/usr/ 


On May 11, 2005, at 6:29 PM, Luc Doré VA2KSH wrote:

> Good evening to all,
> Unfortunately, the migration to 1.5 isn't doing too well.  Much  
> like Bruce's message from two days ago, the build succeeds well and  
> once installed, the debug level of 16 displays several hundred  
> times the message "Warning: Cannot find callback list in  
> XtAddCallback".
> No other intriguing messages are on the log.
> The window does open up, but the render of the screen items  
> (excluding the map) is not complete.  No actions can be performed,  
> zooming, menu items, etc....
> I am so glad to tar up a backup copy of my functional 1.4.2 before  
> deleting everything and 'make'ing 1.5
> Luc D. -- VA2KSH

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